There's really nothing on the market that compares with Bubs & Bobbins Ready to SEW kits! It's a unique and fun way to sew for those little bubs in your life, even if you're a beginner with a sewing machine.
So dust off that sewing machine and fire that baby up! You really can sew anything in our range!
It's hugely important to me that you are happy with our products and that you feel completely confident in your purchase, so here's a few FAQs to assist you.
If you've a question that's not addressed here, I'd love to hear from you, so ask me, via our Contact Us page.
Here's a selection of the most frequently asked questions to get us started!
Q1: Do you guarantee your products, what if I'm unhappy with them?

I guarantee you won't be disappointed so yes, we promise a 100% money back guarantee that all of our kits can be sewn to reflect the image exactly. We want you to be thrilled with your end result and definitely want to know if you have any concerns at all with your kit.
In the very unlikely event of a flaw, please see our returns policy for detailed information.
Q2: There are coloured markings on the edges of the fabric pieces of my kit, is this a flaw?
Don't worry, this is not a flaw. As each and every kit is cut by (my) fair hand using an electric cutter, it's normal for some residual marking lines to remain on the fabric edges, however, these are trimmed away during the sewing process. In addition, I only use washable, non-toxic markers and chalk when marking up fabric.
Q3: Do I need an overlocker/serger to make the kits?
You don't need an overlocker/serger however, if you have one, we'd certainly encourage you to use it, being careful to overlock within the 1 cm seam allowance.
If you don't have an overlocker, it is perfectly acceptable and common practice to finish raw edges of woven fabrics using zig zag stitching to prevent fraying. You also have the option to use pinking shears to finish raw edges (zig zag blade scissors). Our Make It Guides give you clear instructions on when you would finish the raw edge of the piece, so, if you can read, you really can't go wrong.
Knit fabrics don't fray, so there's no need to finish edges.
Q4: Do you sell ready made/ready to wear garments?
If you're absolutely sure you'd rather purchase a ready to wear garment, rather than sew it, we're more than happy to supply it custom sewn for you.
We can usually supply you with a custom made garment within 10 business days.
Please note, we are unable to accept returns or exchanges with custom made garments.
Q5: Can I buy a paper or digital pattern, instead of a kit?
When you purchase a kit, you are effectively buying a fabric pattern already cut to the correct size. If you'd like to keep the pattern for future use, I encourage you to trace around each pattern piece (iron the pieces lightly first) to make your own paper pattern - this is a great way of using up some of your gorgeous fabric stash (if you have a stash).
Of course, you'll have to draft, pin, lay and cut the garment out yourself! But this is great experience for a beginner.
YouTube has some amazing tutorials on laying out and cutting fabric.
So to answer your question, at this point in time we don't retail digital or paper patterns... only fabric ones!
Q6: Do you offer wholesale prices for businesses wishing to stock Bubs & Bobbins Kits?
Option 1: Sewing schools
We assist several sewing schools with bulk bespoke kits to meet the requirements of their students. A discounted price is naturally available to any school or business who makes regular bulk purchases.
Interested? Please contact me for further information, via our Contact Us page.
Option 2: Affiliate marketing
If you have a sewing related business, then you would simply simply add an affiliate Bubs & Bobbins link to your website which leads the customer to our primary website.
The affiliate sale is recorded as being via that company's affiliate link. Commission is then paid to the third party for orders made via their website. So easy... or should I say SEW easy? That never gets tired...
Interested? I'd love you to contact me for further information, via our Contact Us page.
Option 3: Party plan/direct marketing
An oldie but a very effective goodie! Party plan is still one of the most effective marketing platforms in Australia and the reason is clear - it's a social event with friends getting together, where your customer has the opportunity to handle the garments, feel the quality and inspect the individual kits for themselves.

One of the reasons I love this concept so much as it gives women a fantastic opportunity to run their own small, but fun, business with only a relatively small investment to meet the cost of their presentation range of kits and ready to wear garments. It is entirely possible to retail the range only a nominal inventory.
Interested? I'd really love to help you get started so contact me for further information, via our Contact Us page.
I'd love to hear from you if you've any further questions, so please get in touch. Until then...