Corona Virus -v- Cabin Fever (Children's Mental Health during a pandemic)

Corona Virus -v- Cabin Fever (Children's Mental Health during a pandemic)

Hearing that social distancing rules are likely to continue until, at least October, and most likely for considerably longer, really hit home with me today. Another wave of “I can’t believe this is actually happening” washed over me as I digested the prospect of being “holed up” for six more months.

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Hard Work: Don’t start counting until it hurts

Hard Work: Don’t start counting until it hurts

Success in any endeavour takes hard work, focus, determination, resilience and self-belief (at least 95% of the time).  We’re only human so, yes, 5% of the time we rest and perhaps even indulge in some sort of self-doubt.  

But we don’t wallow in a pool of “What if it all goes wrong?”, we don’t blame and we certainly don’t make excuses.

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